Today, I revealed my 2020 goal results on the blog. Find out why I haven’t been active online; your well wishes are welcome in the comments.
Read along to find out!

This year, 2020, I felt like I neglected my blog and felt more depressed than ever. I didn’t feel like writing anything. I didn’t want to take photos because I gained so much weight. On top of that, I tried to do so many things, and it burned me out. Even though it’s been challenging, I am glad I could do what I could to make sure my family is safe, healthy, and happy altogether.
I set ten goals and shared them with you in this post last year. I also shared some tips on achieving your goals and using SMART Goals (goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-based) to help you have a better chance of achieving your goals well. You can read them here if you want to learn more.

My 2020 Goals
One: Doing a HIIT workout at least once a week
I did it, and I overdid it and injured myself, plus added a new health problem to my pelvic floor. Damm! I had to go to the acupuncture every week for almost five months to help with the issue. Now, I can’t work out like I used to do. I can only do some light movements, and that’s about it.
My tip for you is to not go overboard on anything you do because the price you have to pay isn’t worth it.
Two: Eat less carbs and more good fat
I did the less carbs thing but was somehow eating more bad fat than I used to, which caused me to have high cholesterol that never happened to me before. I always had a higher level of good than ordinary people. Well, now, I have cut back almost entirely after seeing my blood test result back.
Three: Launching my own cooking course
Unfortunately, I launched the other two businesses before the cooking course. I still have it as one of my goals, but I don’t think I would pursue it in 2021. We will see what happens.
Four: Paying off all of my debt
I did it! Yay! But I did put myself into a smaller one when working on my businesses. I hope I will pay it off soon in 2021.
Five: Going on a date with my husband at least twice a month
It was a dream since we couldn’t go anywhere. But we watched countless movies and shows together this year.
Six: Having baby number 3
My husband and I decided to wait for a few years. We might go for twins! I will keep you posted!
Seven: Publish my very first book
I started to put things together, but it didn’t happen before the year came to an end. Hopefully, next year will be the year!
Eight: Save more money
Sorry, not sorry! I didn’t have any extra to save as I used my savings to spend on my business. This would be the main focus in 2021 to save more money and be more organized this time around.
Nine: Renovate my home
We did use a lot of time (money too!) to work on our home. We re-did the guest bedroom (I call it my studio), fixed the kitchen, rearranged the living room, and added an in-home cafe, which I still owe you the final look of how it turned out.
Ten: Vacation in Europe
Unfortunately, we had to cancel our Europe trip due to the pandemic. But we were glad to have done some traveling early in 2020, where we went back to Thailand (traveling inside the country) and visited Japan and South Korea before things started to worsen. Vacationing in Europe will always be our goal that we will achieve soon.

Now that you know what happened to me in 2020, I am excited to share my goals and plans for 2021.

2021 Goals
One: My health is my number one priority in terms of self-care, so I will do whatever it takes to make my body happy and healthy again.
Two: Spend more quality time with my family
Three: Focus on my kids’ education.
Four: Don’t make any more debt and pay off the existing ones.
Five: Be in control of what I can control.
Six: Focus on my existing businesses:
- Blogs: AllAboutGoodVibes.com and GoodLuxeStudio.com
- Shops: FromPlantsBeauty.com and MollieetMoi.com
- E-course: CuratedByMollie.com and BlogBrandandBeyond.com
Seven: Connect with my old friends
Eight: Get rid of the work/ things that I am not passionate about anymore and only focus on what I love doing and enjoying.
Nine: Travel inside and outside the U.S.
Ten: Decide on my future home plan, either buying land and building my dream home, buying a new house, staying in our current home, or moving to a new country.
Eleven: Do what makes me happy because I can’t please everyone.
Twelve: Save more money!

Download Free 2021 Goals Template
Right-click and save. Don’t forget to tag me on Instagram @curatedbymollie and @allaboutgoodvibesofficial. Can’t wait to see your 2021 goals!

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What’s one of your biggest
2021 goals?
I have the SMART versions in my planner, but the above goals are the general ideas of what I plan to achieve in 2021. I can’t wait to start working on all of my 2021 goals. I hope you have a great start to the new year—Happy New Year’s Eve!
Thank you for stopping by All About Good Vibes.
See you next year!