30 Pretty Earth Tone One-Piece Swimsuits

30 Pretty Earth Tone One-Piece Swimsuits

Either you are dreaming of going to the beach, want to swim in your pool, or hang out in a jacuzzi; today, I have picked my favorite shades of brown, one-piece swimsuits to share with you in this blog post.

Read on and get ready to shop!


Brown and earth-tone outfits and furniture are my current favorite colors at the moment. It reminded me of nature and a calming state of mind. I even created a Pinterest board dedicated to Nude | Tan Aesthetic. That’s how crazy I am about this shade. 


When I looked for the color psychology of brown, I found that this color brings to mind feelings of warmth, comfort, and security. It’s often described as natural, down-to-earth, and conventional, but brown can also be sophisticated, and these are the exact emotion and feelings I have been experiencing.

Find me on Pinterest at Pinterest.com/CuratedByMolly.

Below are some images I pinned to my Nude | Tan Aesthetic Pinterest Board.

Anyways, if you are into brown like me, I have picked some cute one-piece bathing suits for you to shop below.

30 One-Piece Swimsuits

Where to Shop:

(from left to right, top to bottom)

one | two | three | four | five

six | seven | eight | nine | ten

eleven | twelve | thirteen | fourteen | fifteen

“A gentle word, a kind look, a good-natured smile can work wonders and accomplish miracles.”

– William Hazlitt

Share with me:

Where is your next vacation you are planning to go to?

I hope you find some cute ones to wear this spring/ summer or get them ready for your next vacation.

Thank you for stopping by All About Good Vibes.

Stay safe and see you again soon.


DIY Closet Under $100 | Guest Bedroom

DIY Closet Under $100 | Guest Bedroom

Last month, we finally came up with a new theme for our house and renovated our guest bedroom. The first part of the project was the closet. I am sharing with you today, my DIY Closet Under $100.  

Read on to see the before and after pictures!



My husband and I were planning to renovate our guest bedroom since we started to move into the house a few years back. What we did back then was to keep everything as is but only paint the walls in a different color and put wallpaper up for an accent wall.

Last month, we finally came up with a new theme for our house as we are planning to have it up on Airbnb in the future. I am going to talk more about our idea on my upcoming post, and show the look of the entire room.

The first area we decided to start the project in this room was the closet. I feel like it was perfect timing as I was on my Instagram as usual, and I saw this picture of a pretty closet that looked like the right style I imagined for our guest bedroom. The style that fits our theme just right. So, I showed my husband the photo, and we both agreed to the look.

What we did, we went to Loews and got a few pieces of wood, closet rod, and some screws, and we were all set to start our DIY project.

These are what we got:

($31) x 2 Pine Boards (3/4-in x 16-in x 8-ft) 

($16) x 1 Wood Closet Rod (96-in L x 1.375-in H x 1.375)

($6) x 1 Box of Interior Wood Screws (#8 x 2)

($12) x 1 Quart of White Paint 

Total Cost: $96

Here is what we did:

  1. We took off the doors, railings, top flaps, and the old hanger inside the closet.
  2. We painted all sides of the closet white.
  3. We measured and cut the rod into three parts (2 short ones for the support bars, and one long piece for the clothes hangers). Then screwed all parts together before installing in the closet. 
  4. We then measured the length of the closet and cut one of the pine boards to length. We took the other pine board and cut it into three equal pieces and screwed them on both ends of the long piece and one in the middle.
  5. Lastly, we fitted the shoe shelf into the closet.  


This is the source of my closet inspiration! The photo popped up on my Instagram home feed at the right time when I was thinking about re-doing my guest bedroom.


The image is from @TaraMilkTea account. As I am a fan of her work and have been following her account for a while. This closet shot speaks to me the most about what I was looking for. So I went ahead and re-did the closet.

Here is my Guest Bedroom Closet now.

Take a look around on how I styled everything. My plan is to keep everything simple and neutral.


This is the “BEFORE” photo when we first got the house. Over the years we have changed it up by painting it white but still kept everything the same. Just last month we decided to give it a facelift.


This is the final look for what we changed the closet to look like, similar to the inspiration photo. Not exactly the same as we kept the raw wood material as is. I love that the color of the wood matches perfectly with the floor we used.

“Fashion you can buy, but style you possess. The key to style is learning who you are, which takes years. There’s no how-to road map to style. It’s about self expression and, above all, attitude.”

—Iris Apfel

I’m linking some items and some similar ones from my closet for you below.

Share with me:

What is your next home renovation project?

I hope you enjoy this post and got some ideas on your next home DIY project.

I am going to show you the whole look of the newly renovated room in my upcoming post. Stay tuned for more pictures.

Thank you for stopping by All About Good Vibes.

Stay safe and see you again soon.


Focus on what you love | Be Happy

Focus on what you love | Be Happy

The best thing to do when I am feeling down is to focus on what I love. Today, I am sharing a list of what I am currently obsessed over and things that always make me happy when looking or thinking about. 

Read on to find out what they are!



Feeling down is normal, but how you deal with it is crucial. Sometimes the down feelings can lead you to stress, and depression and the best thing you can do is to try getting back to your normal self again as soon as possible to avoid being stuck in the cycle of sadness.


If you don’t know how to get out of your sorrowful feelings, today I have a quick tip that you can use to help fix your emotions.



What I recommend you to do is to focus on what you love and things that make you happy.

Start with writing them down in a notebook, or on a piece of paper. It would be a good idea to carry this book with you or have it in your reach whenever you want it.

Jot down all the things that make you happy and then start focusing on each of them. If it is a person, spend more time with them, give them more love and affection. If it is your pets, you can play with them more often, and cuddle with them for comfort. Whatever it is, start focusing on them than you usually do because this will help you to forget about the sad feelings, and you can move on with your day happily again.

“Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.”

– Mahatma Gandhi

What I Love

The below list is what I love and am focusing on now.

1. My Family

2. My Dogs

3. My Home

4. My Garden

5. Next Travel Destination

6. My Creativity

7. My Work

8. My Health

9. More of Healthy Food

10. My Favorite Shopping Stores

Currently Obsessed Over

Lately, I’ve been obsessed over shells, dried flowers, lights and shadows, Dalmatians, Siberian Huskies, pretty jewelry, terra-cotta vases, abstracts, minimal home style, furniture made with wood, clay or concrete, anything that is in nude and brown shades, fluted design accents, woven bags, and planning my future trip to Europe.

I have put so many products in my shopping cart and planning to get them soon. See below for what I plan to get.


Have you checked out my Pink Post, yet?

Here are some pretty images I found to help keep you inspired!

Image Sources (top to bottom, left to right):

One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | ThirteenFourteenFifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen

Feel free to right-click to save these below photos to use on your social. Tagging is appreciated; IG @CuratedByMolly embarassed

Share with me:

What do you currently love?

I hope you enjoy this post and feel happy in everything you do.

Remember to focus on what you love and it will make your day a happy day. 

Thank you for stopping by All About Good Vibes.

See you again in my next post.


How to feel happy again | Happy in Pink

How to feel happy again | Happy in Pink

Monday blues don’t always have to happen on a Monday. Whenever you feel these feelings of stress, anxiety, sadness, or lack of motivation, you might be on a Monday blues train. But wearing pink could help you cure these symptoms.

How? Read on to find out!



Lately, when I feel down, I wear pink. Because of the color, pink is thought to have a calming effect, and it does make me feel a little uplifted when wearing it.

Pink also represents compassion, nurturing, and love; that is why wearing pink can cheer you up without you knowing it.

When I was younger, I was trying to avoid pink as I thought the color was too girly and I wasn’t that girly. I wanted to show people that I am strong and I didn’t need pink in my closet. Also, I could be happy wearing darker colors. To look back at how I felt then, I can see why I was so stressed out quite often. Maybe I should have worn pink sooner. Oh, well!

Now, I love wearing all shades of pink. See here, here, here, and here.


Pink also could WEAKEN your ENEMY! Say What?

Sports teams sometimes paint the opposing team’s locker room pink to keep the players passive and less energetic.

The Iowa Hawkeyes famously have a pink visiting team locker room at their Kinnick Stadium. The idea for the pink locker room was conceived by Iowa coach Hayden Fry, who had majored in psychology at Baylor University and believed that the all-pink room would mess with the minds of the opposing teams.

See the below video on how pretty their locker room is.

“People who are drawn to pink (or any specific color) tend to have pleasant memories of the color, while those who don’t like it may have negative or unpleasant associations with it.”

– verywellmind.com

My Zara sandals are old but here are a few pink shoes if you are interested in getting a pair:

 Pink Psychology

In color psychology, pink is a sign of hope. It is a positive color inspiring warm and comforting feelings, a sense that everything will be okay.

Pink is feminine and romantic, affectionate and intimate, thoughtful and caring. It tones down the physical passion of red replacing it with a gentle loving energy.

Studies have confirmed that exposure to large amounts of pink can have a calming effect on the nerves and create physical weakness in people. Violent and aggressive prisoners have been successfully calmed by placing them in a pink room for a specified amount of time. Exposure for too long can have the opposite effect. – Empower-Yourself-with-Color-Psychology.com

Right-click on the photos to save theses pink phone wallpapers to help lift up your spirit.

Happy in Pink

Share with me:

How does pink make you feel?

I hope you enjoy this post and think about pink next time when you want to lift up your mood.

Thank you for stopping by All About Good Vibes.

See you again in my next post.


Family Spring Lookbook| Picacho Peak State Park, AZ

Family Spring Lookbook| Picacho Peak State Park, AZ

Wildflowers are so beautiful that’s why we couldn’t miss the opportunity to visit Picacho Peak State Park this year. As Spring is here with perfect weather, we drove up one weekend to take our kids to see and learn about nature.

Keep on reading to see all the fun.



This post contains affiliate links. 

Spring is calling for wildflowers here in Arizona and I love that we live in the middle of nature and have a chance to enjoy all the beauty that nature offers every single day.

Around this time of year, we always see colorful wildflowers on the sidewalk as we drive to get our groceries.

Somedays we see a coyote crossing the road, and somedays we have a family of Javelina stop by our front door. These make dessert living life a lot more interesting and fun for our small family. 

Because we are surrounded by beautiful nature, our family loves to spend time outdoors. Alida and Aveena love playing with bugs and dirt. They love to observe things around them. As a parent, we love watching our kids play and explore too. Not only my husband and I can bond with our kids and nature all at once but it is also a great way to teach our daughters about things around them as well.

Now, I started to homeschool my oldest daughter, and our lastest lessons were about plants, bees, and flowers. My husband and I thought it would be a great idea and a more hand-on experience if we took our kids to see the wildflower field in person.   

We went on a road trip to Picacho Peak State Park located in Arizona. It’s about an hour away from our home. The girls were so excited to see the wildflowers blooming. We captured some of the special moments and shared them with you in the below video.

There are 3 types of wildflowers I am showing in this blog post, Mexican Gold Poppy, Coulter’s Lupine, and Brittlebush.

Mexican Gold Poppy

The Mexican Gold Poppy is an annual that blooms from mid-February through April and has a beautiful orange, four petal, cup-like flowers. The poppies only remain open during full sunlight.

Coulter’s Lupine

The Coulter’s Lupine is a member of a pea family and can identified by its palmated leaves. These divided leaves resemble fingers growing from the palm of the hand and move during the day to absorb maximum sunlight. The lupine’s multiple flowers rage in color from pale blue to violet.


Brittlebush is a member of the sunflower family. The leaves are greenish-grey and grow to form rounded shrub. When in bloom, the leafless flower stems with their bright yellow flowers resemble a bouquet growing above the leaf area. Small mammals and birds, especially quail, dine on the seeds. produced by the brittlebush.

– Source: Picacho Peak State Park, “Wildflower Guide”

The rules here are not to pick flowers or damage plants but we forgot to tell our daughters so the oldest one got one of each flowers as she wanted to give to her grandma. And the little one picked two flowers because she couldn’t help it being a one year old. We told them after the incident and they promise not to do that again. 🙂 

Here are our outfit details: 

Big Sister: Tie-belt Jumpsuit | Sneakers 

Little Sister: Patterned Jersey DressSneakers

My Outfit: Chiffon Dress | Sneakers 

My Husband’s Outfit: Striped Oxford Shirt (sold out): (similar here) |  Jeans (sold out): similar here) | Sneakers

Share with me:

What is your favorite wildflower?

I hope you enjoy our Family Spring Lookbook and enjoy the beautiful wildflowers. 

Thank you for stopping by All About Good Vibes.

See you again in my next post.


P.S. Want to know tips to help you achieve things in your bucket list? Read this post! 

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