Three Ways to Make Your House Feel Like Summer | Living Room Inspo

Three Ways to Make Your House Feel Like Summer | Living Room Inspo

Today, I am sharing how to make your home feel like summer with three simple practices you can adopt today. Plus some inspirations I found to help me redecorate my living room. 

Read on to find out!

Three Ways to Make Your House Feel Like Summer | Living Room Inspo-@curatedbymollie allaboutgoodvibes.com-Mollie Larsen

“I love looking at the clear blue sky in the summer and I love when my house feels like summer.” – Molly Larsen

This year is quite different than other years as a lot of us are limited to traveling and accessing public outdoor spaces. Many of us started working on their homes, which I think is the best thing you can do when you cannot go anywhere else. Make your home a “Home Sweet Home”; it sounds like a fantastic idea to me.

Before we get into the content today, I would like you to take a quick second and feel the appreciation in all the things you have. You are fortunate that you are still here today to enjoy all the moments and share your time with your loved ones. Be grateful that you are well and alive. Thank yourself for making every day happen and never giving up.

Now it’s time to make your home feel like summer with these three simple practices you can adopt today.

Three Ways to Make Your Home
Feel Like Summer

Summer-phone-wallpaper-@curatedbymolly-allaboutgoodvibes.com-Molly Larsen

ONE: Bring in flowers and fruits

Super easy, right? Summer is all about bright and the feeling alive. Having flower vases around the house or displaying some fruit basket on your kitchen island or countertop will add some fun summer vibes into your home. You can also change up your paintings and put the ones with flowers and fruits up on your wall.

You can also get some small citrus trees like orange and lemon and place them indoors. But make sure that they will get full sun for several hours. Even better if you could find an artificial one so you can place them anywhere in the house.


TWO: Add a pop of color

You can have a big project planned out like painting a wall with new summer colors and putting up new wallpaper on your accent wall. Or you can go small by adding a pop of color by getting some new throw pillows, colorful vases, or grab a colorful bouquet next time you go grocery (or flower) shopping.


THREE: Turn up the Summer tunes

This is the easiest thing you can do, and you won’t need to spend your money on redecorating your space. Make sure your home is a nice, clean, and bright thought. Roll up the curtains and let the bright light in. Then jazz up your favorite Summer playlist, sit back, relax, and repeat this step every day. Or whenever you feel like you need more summer in your life. As music can bring back memories and all the good times you used to have when you were on vacation. You can make new Summer memories at home! Sounds good?

I mentioned earlier that I am redecorating my small living room. I want this space to feel lively, bright, and represent happiness. Below, you can find some images I used as inspirations to decorate my living room.

We are still waiting for the chairs that won’t deliver until September! So I might not wait that long and will be sharing the finished look with you in my future post soon.

But here is what I already did on one of the shelves in this space.

@curatedbymolly-allaboutgoodvibes.com-Molly Larsen _ Summer Home Decor-allaboutgoodvibes.com

Summer Living Room Inspiration

Three Ways to Make Your House Feel Like Summer | Living Room Inspo-@curatedbymolly allaboutgoodvibes.com-Molly Larsen
Three Ways to Make Your House Feel Like Summer | Living Room Inspo-@curatedbymolly allaboutgoodvibes.com-Molly Larsen
Three Ways to Make Your House Feel Like Summer | Living Room Inspo-@curatedbymolly allaboutgoodvibes.com-Molly Larsen
Three Ways to Make Your House Feel Like Summer | Living Room Inspo-@curatedbymolly allaboutgoodvibes.com-Molly Larsen
Three Ways to Make Your House Feel Like Summer | Living Room Inspo-@curatedbymolly allaboutgoodvibes.com-Molly Larsen
Three Ways to Make Your House Feel Like Summer | Living Room Inspo-@curatedbymolly allaboutgoodvibes.com-Molly Larsen
Three Ways to Make Your House Feel Like Summer | Living Room Inspo-@curatedbymolly allaboutgoodvibes.com-Molly Larsen
Three Ways to Make Your House Feel Like Summer | Living Room Inspo-@curatedbymolly allaboutgoodvibes.com-Molly Larsen

One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten

Share with me:

What makes you feel like Summer?

I hope you get some new ideas to help decorate and make your home feel like you are on vacation. Do what’s best for you and whatever makes you feel happy. Because in the end, it is your space, and you are the one who lives in it. 

Thank you for stopping by All About Good Vibes.

Stay safe and healthy, and see you again in my next post.


Breakfast Nook/ Cafe Corner Inspirations

Breakfast Nook/ Cafe Corner Inspirations

Today, I have the photos of how I imagined our breakfast nook was going to look and feel after the completion. All of the inspirations are, of course, from Pinterest!

Read on to see what inspired me!

“The space we are spending the mmost time together in is this breakfast nook aka our new cafe corner.”

Hey, my love! I hope you are staying safe and doing amazing! 


This post is long overdue as I was so busy with my new skincare brand that just launched. Check it out here: From Plants Beauty. I will go over what I am doing and why I started it in a future post. Not only that, but my husband and I kept surprising his parents by fixing and redecorating their bedrooms without them even knowing. One room per day and one week apart, and that got us supper exhausted on top of how extra exhausted working on the brand, raising our two small and big toddlers and trying to get our stuff together.  

Our breakfast nook isn’t quite complete yet as we are waiting for the black marble table and a chair that won’t be here for a few more months. Ekk!

Anyway, here I have the photos of how I imagined our breakfast nook was going to look and feel after the completion. All of the inspirations are, of course, from Pinterest!

I will be sharing the finished look as soon as I get things finalized and ready to show you.

Here is a quick peek on how it looks right now!



The Inspiration Behind
Breakfast Nook

Image Sources: One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine

Share with me:

What is one area in your house that you spend the most time in?

Hope to see you back on my next post soon.

Quick attention, I created a “Good Vibes by Heart” page to share several types of causes that you believe in and may want to support. As we are here to share our gifts, uniqueness, and kindness, let this page be the first step (way) to help others live out. 

Thank you for stopping by All About Good Vibes.

Stay safe and healthy, and see you again in my next post.


Guest Bedroom/ In-Home Studio Reveal

Guest Bedroom/ In-Home Studio Reveal

Our guest bedroom has been completed for a while, but I didn’t have time to take pictures and put them together until today. I used new and old furniture that we already had to fill up space. I am sharing the details with you in this post.

Read on to see how everything turns out!

“Home decorating is a passion of mine, and I am so passionate about making my home as sweet as it can be because you know that the “Home Sweet Home” phase makes me want to feel like I am living the sweetest life in my sweet little home every single day.”

Our house was built in 1985, and nearly everything here was original. We purchased this home after searching for over a year and finally found the one we felt like home. My husband and I saw a lot of potentials and loved the house when we first walked in. Before we moved in, we painted the inside white, including the floor. Now three years later, we got the hang of what we were doing and decided to give our home more love by dressing her up to a personality we feel that she is—sophisticated but yet down to earth. Sound like me a little?

We are now working room by room and will be sharing with you what our projects turn out in the later posts here on allaboutgoodvibes.com.

In this blog post today, I am sharing with you every corner in our guest bedroom/ in-home studio, and if you haven’t seen my inspiration behind my guest bedroom yet, make sure you head over to this post to find out.

Before I started redecorating this room, I needed a visual plan, so I created one. As you already know, I am a very visual person, so I first have to work on my mood board, where I used Pinterest to put together my vision before I decide on what I want. For this room, I was going for nature, calm, and relaxation feels. I picked out a lot of neutral and earth tone elements and accents to represent those emotions.


I can’t put my finger on the theme of this room, French Boho, maybe?but I would say it speaks out my personality and the house personality 100%.

If you are following me on Instagram (@CuratedByMolly), you might have seen so many photos of the same mirror selfie I took from a corner of this room. I use this room to workout in, take pictures for my blog, e-course, and business. I also use this room to relax and unplug when I need one. It’s a guest bedroom, but as of now, it’s my in-home studio.

The Vanity Corner

Right when you walked in on the left-hand side, I set up a vanity corner using a heritage chest made in Boston more than 70 years ago. We got the piece from my father-in-law. What we did with it was painting it all white as we want everything to be more of a lighter and brighter feel here in this room.

My vanity looks somewhat organized here as I only put what I normally use on it. On top of the chest, I put the gold Gleaming Primrose mirror I got a few years back to give that elegant, sophisticate, and vintage vibes to the room.

As you can see in the images, I have a lot of seashells and porcelain elements. I am currently in love with shells and pearls so I ordered a few new decoration pieces like this Seashell Accent Lamp to fill up space. I also got two new pleated porcelain vases that go well with the crown molding of the room and the fluted side table I have.

The Closet

We put together this DIY closet as we want it to be very simple and easy to access. You can check out my DIY Closet under $100 to see the before photo and how we did it. I try my best to keep everything organized here and again only put what I need to wear in the next two weeks. The rest of my clothes and shoes are located in our closet in the master bedroom.

The Reading Corner

This corner is opposite of the door and has the window right next to it which makes a perfect corner for reading. We got the chair and the side table from my parents-in-law. They didn’t use them so we decided to upcycle and they perfectly match with our french-boho theme. We didn’t change anything, only cleaned them and wiped them down. 

Next to the chair I have a gold shell wall hook, that I can hang a dress or bags like shown in the above photos.   

Adding a modern and feminine touch with a line art throw pillow to complete this corner.

The Bed

For our bed, we took the bed frame out and only have the mattress on the floor. I got the round velvet pillow from Urban Outfitters. My white linen blend sheet set is from Target. The rest of the bedding is from H&M; brown washed-linen covers, and light beige satin bedspread.

For the side table I picked the fluted drum table as its height isn’t as high and fits perfectly in this corner. I have the Ceramic Table Lamp that’s featuring a sculpted base in a raw finish with dual side handle ringson in this corner as well. 


To finish this guestroom with my personal touch, I hung up my painting above the bed. I named it “On The Table” as I actually painted it on my dining room table not because it’s a drawing of what’s on the table. 🙂

Share with me:

What is your favorite corner in your bedroom?

I hope you find this post helpful and inspire you to want to change things up around your home. If you have any questions about any items in this post or any questions at all, feel free to leave your comments below or email me at hello@allaboutgoodvibes.com.  

Thank you for stopping by All About Good Vibes.

Stay safe and healthy, and see you again in my next post.


Healthier Mom Diaries: Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Healthier Mom Diaries: Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Sharing with you a Mother’s Day Gift Guide packed with items that will surely make your mom/ yourself who is a mom happy and healthy.

Read on to get some ideas on what to get for this special day!

“Every day is Mother’s Day.”

Dear, all my mom friends,

Don’t give up. You are doing great.

Becoming a mom has changed me in so many ways. Including the change of my body, sleeping schedule, health, and perspective of all the things that matter to me most. I remembered making cards and gifts for my mother. Buying her clothes, jewelry, and flowers. Importantly I never forget to tell her how much I love her.
As a kid, that was the thing I could think and do to express and gifted items that were, for me, symbols of my love for my mother. But what dis she really want? She told me every year that all she wanted from me was for me to be a good kid, be happy, be successful in life and everything I do, and to love and respect myself always.
Now that I am a mother, do I want the same gifts from my kids? Of course, yes. The best gift my kids could give me is becoming a good person, be happy and successful. Always loving and respecting themselves. I think these are the things moms wanted from their kids, plus more.

But, what is a Mother’s Day gift that mom really wants for herself? What’s the best gift out there that can make and keep mom happy?

I asked this question to myself, and it turned out, I wanted to be healthy, so I can keep being a healthy and happy mom to my babies. And being healthy is the only gift I’m giving to myself this Mother’s Day (aka every day).

If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want.     


– Elbert Hubbard

So now, my lovely reader friend, here I have listed and linked all the tangible gifts that I feel your mother would need and find most valuable when receiving it. Also, sharing with you three ladies who I got so inspired by their lifestyle as a mother and entrepreneurs every time their photos pop up on my Instagram feed.

Now living away from my mother, instead of making a card, I text and call her. I sent her protein powder, vitamins, and supplements. And remind her to eat healthily and exercise often. I feel like these are the best gifts I can give to her.

Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Idea One:

Yearly Membership for Workout Apps or Program

Idea Two:

Workout Clothes

Idea Three:



Idea Five:

Water Bottle

Idea Six:

Healthy Cookbooks

Idea Seven:

Vitamins, Minerals, and Supplements

Idea Eight:

Workout Gear

Idea Nine:

Workout Machine

Fit moms who inspire me!

Katrina Scott


Melissa Wood


Lauren Gores Ireland


Share with me:

What would you like to receive or give for a Mother’s Day present?

I hope I am giving you some great ideas on what to get for this Mother’s Day. I am getting myself everything on the list and will stock up more on what I already have. 🙂

Also, I am joining the Summer Tone Up challenge that will be happening on May 11th, 2020. Be sure you sign up and let’s stay healthy together.

Thank you again for stopping by All About Good Vibes.

Stay safe, happy and healthy, and see you again in my next post.


Products Worth Buying From The Sephora Sales

Products Worth Buying From The Sephora Sales

Sharing with you today what I got from the Sephora Spring Savings Event. Only the good stuff made it to my checkout.

Read on to find out what is worth trying!

“I started to become a more of a conscious buyer than ever because of the situation we are in, and I feel like it is a good habit to have so I am grateful for that.”

There is so much good stuff I wanted to purchase during the Sephora Spring Savings Event this year, but I had to be a little bit more conscious about my spending.

I adopted a clean beauty ritual for a while and almost 100% of my beauty products I am using these days are vegan, natural, and clean.

With that being said, there is no surprise here that what I got was from their “Clean at Sephora” collection.

I purchased what I haven’t tried yet so that I can give you my honest review in the upcoming posts on my new Sustainable Beauty & Style blog, GoodLuxeStudio.com.

Before we get right into what I got here are the deals.

20% offer valid for Rouge members 4/17/20 – 5/1/20 at 11:59pm PT
15% offer valid for VIB members 4/21/20 – 4/29/20 at 11:59pm PT
10% offer valid for Insider members 4/23/20 – 4/27/20 at 11:59pm PT

Offer only valid on merchandise purchases made (if open) in Sephora U.S. and Canada stores, on sephora.com and sephora.ca.

I am sharing with you below what made it to the checkout.

what I recently got from SEPHORA


Image Credit: @daehair

I am a big fan of natural hair care, so I got the whole collection of dae daily shampoo, daily conditioner, and deep conditioning treatment. I can’t wait to try all of them.


As I am planning to wash my hair often than I normally do, I got another set of natural shampoo and conditioner from Drunk Elephant.


Read this post about my favorite shampoo and conditioner here, if you want to try a good natural hair care products.

Image Credit: @drunkelephant

Image Credit: @summerfridays

I have been using Summer Fridays’ products since the start and have been enjoying it. As I am almost out of my cleanser, so I am going to give their Gel Cleanser a try.



Image Credit: @jen_hussein

I have to say that Supergoop! sunscreens for years and these two products, Glowscreen Sunscreen SPF 40 and Glow Oil SPF 50, sounded amazing, so I got them to try out. 

Image Credit: @laurengores

six: ILIA

Image Credit: @iliabeauty

I have been wanting to try this Super Serum Skin Tint SPF 40 Foundation from ILIA since I saw it hit the market. I love the fact that it’s a serum and a sunscreen in one.

seven: KOSAS

Image Credit: @maddies.makeupmess

I have been wearing lip gloss more than I use to and this Wet Lip Oil Gloss sounds like a good gloss to try.

eight: MILK Makeup

Image Credit: @milkmakeup

KUSH Fiber Brow Gel has hemp-derived cannabis seed oil in it and I think it would be interesting to see how my brows like it.

shop the POST

Some Quick Advice Before Start Shopping

Below I typed up some of my thoughts before you start purchasing new items!

I want to make sure you are aware that everything you get is worth your money spent! Read on!

Ps. Feel free to use these set of images and tag my Instagram @CuratedByMolly #CuratedByMolly #AllAboutGoodVibes

Don’t buy it because you feel like you have to buy it. Buy it if it is necessary and you will surely use it all up.

Make sure that you won’t regret spending money.

Don’t buy it because of a trend, a hype, or try to get a cheaper price of something that you don’t ever need or would use.

Choose only the good stuff.  

Don’t go overboard when shopping and get only what you need.

If you think you “maybe I need this”, don’t get it. Only get what you are not hesitating to get.

Don’t sacrifice your wallet for your pleasure that won’t last long.

If you haven’t used up your product just yet, maybe you can hold off for a bit. 

If possible, buy products from brands that help make your health, mind, and body better and brands that help other causes and our planet.

Share with me:

What’s in your Sephora shopping cart?

I hope I am giving you some ideas on what to get from Sephora. Make sure you think about my advice before you start shopping as well.

Thank you for stopping by All About Good Vibes.

Stay safe and healthy, and see you again in my next post.


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