When it comes to Spring/Summer outfits, we always think about bright and colorful pieces. But not in today’s post because I have picked dresses that are black, white and black & white. They are so pretty and for sure fun to wear from spring to summer.
Picking a lot of cute black and white dresses for you today because you might be tired by now of all the colorful florals and bright spring outfits. Adding black and white in between your week will make it more fun to dress up.
Black and white are my all time favorite colors. As well as mini and midi dresses. That’s why I choose them for you today.
I’ve picked all the dresses from my two favorite shops, Reformation and Revolve. My dress is from For Love & Lemons and it’s by far my favorite dress I got this year.
Below are my picks, hope you like them!
My husband has something to say about this dress I’m wearing,
so he will be my guest today.
Andrew here, Molly’s husband, and I am taking over her blog for the rest of this post. If you haven’t seen my caption I left for her on IG, check it out here! I wanted to steal the keyboard for this post as I can’t peal my eyes away from the screen while looking at these pictures, for even just a second. For love and lemons is a brand we have been gushing over for awhile now and absolutely adore. Their style is just like my wife’s personality, fun, flirty and hot hot hot!
The reason why I am obsessed with these particular photos is that they remind me of the first time we met. Here is this hot, out of my league woman, agreeing to go out on a date with me even after I called the last minute to cancel our first date! (Scared Face!) That’s a story for another day but I just wanted to say that these photos remind me of why I fell in love with her in the first place.
She is the most amazing, intelligent, hard working woman, wife and mother I have ever met and I am grateful that I get to share these moments of my life with her.
I am so proud and happy for everything you have accomplished to get to this point, including raising 3 babies, me included (Embarrassed Face), while slaying it! Keep up the good vibes and always, It’s ALL ABOUT GOOD VIBES! Laters!!!
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What’s your go-to outfit for Spring/Summer?
OMG, he just read what he typed out loud and we both are tearing up. Isn’t he so sweet?!
I think I will have him on the blog more often. He’s the man behind the camera and I couldn’t have made it this far without him. 🙂
Thank you for stopping by my blog today.
See you again soon!