In today’s post I’m going to talk about my favorite backdrops I use for my flat lays. The below items are what I found to be easy to find and incorporate into your photo.A lot of the items on my list, you can probably find in your home already. They are affordable and you don’t need to go above and beyond to get them.
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Flat Lay Tips
Sharing with you today, the one rule I use all the time when it comes to taking flat lay photos. I call it “The Rule of Similarity”.
It’s a super easy rule that works like a charm every time. Enjoy the read and let me know your thoughts in the comments!
Read moreHappy Friday! In today’s post I’m going to talk about my 3 sources of inspiration for flat lay photography. #FlatLayFridayFor me personally, it’s so hard sometimes to come up with some fresh flat lay ideas especially when I’m working for my own blog or project.
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