Wildflowers are so beautiful that’s why we couldn’t miss the opportunity to visit Picacho Peak State Park this year. As Spring is here with perfect weather, we drove up one weekend to take our kids to see and learn about nature.
Keep on reading to see all the fun.

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Spring is calling for wildflowers here in Arizona and I love that we live in the middle of nature and have a chance to enjoy all the beauty that nature offers every single day.
Around this time of year, we always see colorful wildflowers on the sidewalk as we drive to get our groceries.
Somedays we see a coyote crossing the road, and somedays we have a family of Javelina stop by our front door. These make dessert living life a lot more interesting and fun for our small family.
Because we are surrounded by beautiful nature, our family loves to spend time outdoors. Alida and Aveena love playing with bugs and dirt. They love to observe things around them. As a parent, we love watching our kids play and explore too. Not only my husband and I can bond with our kids and nature all at once but it is also a great way to teach our daughters about things around them as well.
Now, I started to homeschool my oldest daughter, and our lastest lessons were about plants, bees, and flowers. My husband and I thought it would be a great idea and a more hand-on experience if we took our kids to see the wildflower field in person.

We went on a road trip to Picacho Peak State Park located in Arizona. It’s about an hour away from our home. The girls were so excited to see the wildflowers blooming. We captured some of the special moments and shared them with you in the below video.

There are 3 types of wildflowers I am showing in this blog post, Mexican Gold Poppy, Coulter’s Lupine, and Brittlebush.

Mexican Gold Poppy
The Mexican Gold Poppy is an annual that blooms from mid-February through April and has a beautiful orange, four petal, cup-like flowers. The poppies only remain open during full sunlight.

Coulter’s Lupine
The Coulter’s Lupine is a member of a pea family and can identified by its palmated leaves. These divided leaves resemble fingers growing from the palm of the hand and move during the day to absorb maximum sunlight. The lupine’s multiple flowers rage in color from pale blue to violet.

Brittlebush is a member of the sunflower family. The leaves are greenish-grey and grow to form rounded shrub. When in bloom, the leafless flower stems with their bright yellow flowers resemble a bouquet growing above the leaf area. Small mammals and birds, especially quail, dine on the seeds. produced by the brittlebush.
– Source: Picacho Peak State Park, “Wildflower Guide”

The rules here are not to pick flowers or damage plants but we forgot to tell our daughters so the oldest one got one of each flowers as she wanted to give to her grandma. And the little one picked two flowers because she couldn’t help it being a one year old. We told them after the incident and they promise not to do that again. 🙂

Here are our outfit details:
Big Sister: Tie-belt Jumpsuit | Sneakers
Little Sister: Patterned Jersey Dress | Sneakers
My Outfit: Chiffon Dress | Sneakers
My Husband’s Outfit: Striped Oxford Shirt (sold out): (similar here) | Jeans (sold out): similar here) | Sneakers

Share with me:
What is your favorite wildflower?
I hope you enjoy our Family Spring Lookbook and enjoy the beautiful wildflowers.
Thank you for stopping by All About Good Vibes.
See you again in my next post.

P.S. Want to know tips to help you achieve things in your bucket list? Read this post!