In today’s post, I’m sharing some pumpkin benefits, and a few of my favorite pumpkin masks I have been using since last year. And because Halloween is around the corner, I made you a couple of the Halloween phone and desktop wallpapers for you to download, just in case you want to spook up on your devices. I also mentioned three cute last-minute Halloween costume ideas at the end.
Make sure to read on to find out all the fun!

What’s for Fall? Pumpkin, please? Everywhere I go now, I can smell the pumpkin spice in the air, and it is so good! Talking about Fall, the one thing that most people will think about has to be pumpkins. Every industry incorporates all the pumpkin benefits into their work, that might be the reason why it’s a symbol of Fall.
Last year we decorated our front door with pumpkins, but we won’t do it again this year as a few javelinas were stopping by the house in the middle of the night and ate them all up. My husband and I were freaking out as we didn’t know what was going on outside the house. All we could hear was the knocking on the door and the pounding on the wall. We got a video of the two big javelinas, good thing it was only two hungry pigs. Lol! ??
Talking about pumpkins, they are a great source of vitamins and minerals. According to Healthline pumpkin benefits include protecting your eyesight, reducing the risk of chronic illness, and promoting healthy skin.
I love eating steamed pumpkin as a snack as they are low in calories but packed with tons of nutrients. It’s also a good weight loss friendly food that I love snacking on.

Not only pumpkins are good to eat because they are high in beta-carotene, which acts as a natural sunblock. They also contain vitamins C and E, as well as lutein and zeaxanthin, which can help keep your skin strong and healthy; you can also use pumpkin tropically.
Pumpkin contains fruit enzymes, a gentle alternative to harsh chemical peels to help brighten and smooth the skin. Vitamin A and Vitamin C in pumpkins can help soften and boost collagen production. With the structure of pumpkin molecule being small, when used topically, it can penetrate deeper into the skin to help treat a dull complexion, aging skin, and pigmentation. Who would have know pumpkin benefits can include so many great things?

I shared last year on Fabletic’s Blog about my DIY pumpkin pie face mask, and you can get the recipe here. This recipe is very gentle, where you can use it daily if you want to.

Here are a few of my favorite pumpkin face masks I’ve been using since last year. They help brighten and soften your face where you can see results right after you wash them off. If you haven’t tried any of these products, I encourage you to pick one of them up and try it yourself.

Last-Minute Fun
Halloween Costume Ideas
Since Halloween is coming closer and closer, I know a lot of us are busy with life and other stuff. So I found a few cute Halloween costume ideas for you below.
I love that they are easy and fun to put together and require so little time and money. They are super creative and adorable. I’m sure everyone who sees you wearing one of these costumes will give you a 10 out of 10.

DIY Chill Pill Costume from Studio DIY.
What you need for this look is a white top, pink bottom, and Adhesive Back Felties Felt Sheets to recreate this fun costume.

Makeup Palette and cat or dog ear headband are what you need. See how to create a Pet Makeup Look from Brit+Co, and don’t forget to complete your costume with your fur baby.

This is a super fun way to celebrate Halloween. You would need to get some Self-Adhesive Googly Wiggle Eyes for this nail art project.
This idea I found from the DIY Googly Eye Manicure On Design*Sponge from Aww Sam.
Sign up and grab your free
Halloween wallpapers from my library!
Each week in my Club Vibester Newsletter, I send out the Self-Care Challenge. As you already know, there are many ways to self-care, and within each of my newsletters, I will be exploring all the ways you can do self-care for every day of the week. It ranges from skincare routines, a healthy lifestyle, and positive mindset challenges. If you are into self-care games and want to be a part of all the challenges that I will be sending out this year, if you don’t want to miss out on all the self-care fun, join our club today!

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What is your favorite pumpkin food/ product?
Thank you for stopping by All About Good Vibes to learn about some pumpkin benefits, get some cool last-minute Halloween costume ideas and find some new spooky phone wallpapers. I hope you like today’s Fall post!
I hope to see you again soon in my next post.
Enjoy the rest of your day!