Embracing Positivity Amidst Negativity: Your Guide to Staying Positive

Embracing Positivity Amidst Negativity: Your Guide to Staying Positive

Celebrating Your Incredible Parents: Gift Ideas to Show Your Gratitude on Mother's and Father's Day

Discover practical strategies and uplifting quotes to stay positive even when surrounded by negativity. Learn how to maintain a resilient mindset, embrace gratitude, limit exposure to negativity, and focus on personal growth. Empower yourself to rise above the negativity and cultivate a positive outlook.

Read on the learn more!

Life is full of ups and downs, and sometimes we find ourselves surrounded by negativity. It could be a challenging work environment, a pessimistic social circle, or simply a series of unfortunate events. Regardless of the circumstances, it’s essential to maintain a positive outlook and nurture a resilient mindset. In this blog post, we’ll explore strategies to stay positive even when everyone else around you seems negative. Additionally, we’ll sprinkle in some inspiring quotes to fuel your positive thinking journey.

Embracing Positivity Amidst Negativity: Your Guide to Staying Positive

1. Recognize your control: While you may not be able to control the negativity around you, you have full control over your own attitude and mindset. Remember that your response to negativity is within your power. Focus on what you can change rather than dwelling on things beyond your control.

Quote: “The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.” – Unknown


2. Surround yourself with positivity: Seek out individuals who radiate positivity and inspire you. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people can provide the support and encouragement needed to maintain a positive mindset. Engage in activities that bring you joy and spend time with loved ones who uplift your spirits.

Quote: “Surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams, encourage your ideas, support your ambitions, and bring out the best in you.” – Roy T. Bennett

3. Practice gratitude: Developing a gratitude practice can significantly shift your focus from negativity to positivity. Take time each day to reflect on things you’re grateful for, no matter how small they may seem. This simple act can help reframe your perspective and cultivate a sense of contentment.

Quote: “Gratitude turns what we have into enough and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity… it makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” – Melody Beattie

4. Limit exposure to negativity: While it’s not always possible to completely eliminate negative influences, you can take steps to limit your exposure to them. Be mindful of the media you consume, the conversations you engage in, and the environments you choose to spend time in. Surround yourself with positive content, uplifting books, and motivational podcasts.

Quote: “Protect your spirit from contamination. Limit your time with negative people.” – Thema Davis

5. Focus on personal growth: Invest in your personal growth and continuous learning. Engage in activities that align with your interests and goals. By focusing on your own development, you can create a positive momentum that propels you forward, regardless of external circumstances.

Quote: “The only way that we can live is if we grow. The only way we can grow is if we change. The only way we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we can become exposed is if we throw ourselves out into the open.” – C. JoyBell C.

6. Practice self-care: Take care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Engage in activities that recharge and rejuvenate you, such as exercising, meditating, practicing mindfulness, or pursuing a hobby. Prioritizing self-care allows you to build resilience and maintain a positive outlook even in challenging situations.

Quote: “Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” – Lucille Ball

Staying positive when everyone else around you is negative can be a real challenge, but it’s crucial for your well-being and personal growth. By recognizing your control, surrounding yourself with positivity, practicing gratitude, limiting exposure to negativity, focusing on personal growth, and practicing self-care, you can navigate the challenging landscape with grace and optimism.

Remember, staying positive doesn’t mean ignoring or denying the existence of negativity. It means choosing to respond in a way that empowers you and allows you to maintain your inner peace. By incorporating these strategies into your daily life, you can become a beacon of positivity, inspiring others around you to adopt a more optimistic mindset.

In the face of adversity, you possess the strength to rise above negativity and create a positive ripple effect in your life and the lives of those around you. Embrace the power of positivity, and let it guide you towards a brighter and more fulfilling future.


Quote: “Your positivity can become a castle around you that no negativity can penetrate.” – Brittany Burgunder

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How do you deal with negative people?

So, let us embark on this journey together, where positivity becomes our armor, and our unwavering belief in the goodness of life becomes our driving force. Remember, staying positive is not always easy, but it is always worth it.

As you navigate the sometimes stormy seas of negativity, hold fast to the light within you, and let it illuminate your path. Choose positivity, embrace gratitude, and be the positive change you wish to see in the world.

Quote: “You have within you right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you.” – Brian Tracy

Thank you for stopping by my blog today.

See you again soon.

Ten Midweek Self-Love Reminders

Ten Midweek Self-Love Reminders

Today, I am sharing with you some of my favorite midweek self-love reminders to help you go through your week mindfully and respectfully.

Read on and enjoy!

snack bar decor idea for your home

Either it’s good food, good books, good laughs, or good rest that can get you through a tough week, make sure you do them. Your life is too short to stress over things that you can’t control. But you have the power and control over yourself.

Some times I found myself wandering around in my head. Dreaming and wishing, I could do more things and do it all in one day. Other times, I wish for a day to have more than 24 hours without realizing that what if it magically happened, would I have more time to take care of myself, or still spend those extra hours to stress even more.

All that we can do now is to do our best and appreciate what we already have. I wanted to share with you some quotes I found that are great reminders to practice self-love and self-care.


Image Credit: @cupofherbaltea

Image Credit: @ashtonwood

Look beyond the sky, reach for the stars, and search for a new galaxy, aka "opportunities."- Mollie Larsen

ten self-love


The one you are looking for is you. -Osho



Simplicity and clarity should be your theme in dress.



Trust the wait.

Embrace the uncertainty.

Enjoy the beauty of becoming.

When nothing is certain, anything is possible. 



The only way to escape is to change.



Stop rushing

Create yourself

Touch without touching

Don’t be afraid to feel the pain before reacting-understand

Cry, laugh, dance, have a glass of wine

Love endlessly

Swim naked

Realize that you are important, loving, pretty, brave, beautiful, true, strong…. 



You are allowed to change the price of what it costs to access you.



What you think of yourself is a lot more important than what other people think of you.



Always be kinder than you feel. – unknown



Look for something positive in each day even if somedays you have to look a little harder.



Being grateful for what you currently have in the midst of getting what you want.


Very random but if you like the drawing above, click to shop on Etsy: "Continuous Line Face Drawing".
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What do you do for a midweek pick me up?


I hope you enjoy these words of wisdom and have the best rest of your week.

Have you checked out The Five Simple Keys to Measure Your Personal Growth, yet? 

Thank you for stopping by All About Good Vibes.

Stay safe and healthy, and I hope to see you back here again soon!


Five Simple Keys to Measuring Your Personal Growth

Five Simple Keys to Measuring Your Personal Growth

Each of us has our own and unique personal growth process, and no one is growing faster than the other.

The primary keys I see in my personal growth are from dealing with unexpected changes and a few more keys. I will go through each key and share with you how I develop my growth from it.

Read on to learn more!

snack bar decor idea for your home

Before we get into today’s post, I want to mention that this post comes from my perspective and is not from a personal growth theory you can find from a textbook.

Each of us has our own and unique personal growth process, and no one is growing faster than the other. There should not be any comparison when it comes to personal growth at all. Our life is developing and involves different environments and circumstances, and we will expand our personal growth uniquely. Also, there is no age limit for personal growth as well. As the world is changing all the time, it can challenge you to awaken your growth.

The primary keys I see in my personal growth are from dealing with unexpected changes. Learning new lessons (from talking to other people, reading new books, or getting inspired by things around me), experiencing new situations, setting goals, and practicing self-acceptance are the most important ones.

I will go through each key and share with you how I develop my growth from it.

five keys to measuring your


dealing with unexpected changes

This is the most common situation that can take you to the next level of your personal growth. Because when you experience an unforeseen event, your emotions will be on a roller coaster ride, which might make you feel uncomfortable. You will need to try ways to deal with that particular situation. This leads to growth.

One of the unexpected changes that I have been dealing with lately was my income stream from being a content creator during COVID 19. Instead of stressing over it, I came up with new ideas to generate income and connected with my audience differently. Instead of promoting brands/ products, I shared more of my honest reviews. Coming up with a new series #InfluencerTipsTuesday to share knowledge about social media. I also have more time to finish up my clean skincare brand, From Plants Beauty.

You can see here that one unexpected change can affect you in so many ways, but you can overcome it and develop your personal growth in many areas of life.



learning new lessons 


Learning new lessons or skills is another measurable indicator when looking into personal growth. You can learn new things from talking to other people, reading new books, or getting inspired by things around you.

Learning is an important key to strive for the next level of your personal growth goal as it can direct you to better you in so many ways.

I tend to learn new things or adopt some new beliefs when I find good books that were recommended by someone I trusted. I also learn from people’s past experiences, and their stories, ups, and downs, before they became successful in their areas of expertise.

After learning new skills, I adapted to my personal liking and daily living environment. To ensure that I can implement what I learned to better my life in general.


setting goals


While setting goals might sound too simple, it does help you achieve and develop personal fulfillment growth. Repeatedly setting goals will get you on the right path of making things happen in life. Either it is a personal matter or a business-related matter, it is a healthy routine to have.

I found myself getting things done easier when setting goals. I also feel delighted when achieving the goals I have set. If you are trying to achieve or develop any areas of your personal growth, you should write down the steps it takes, or write down your goals as a guide and reminder.

My latest experience with goal settings that was fulling my personal growth was launching my brand, From Plants Beauty. For serval years, I put it aside before I finally had goals written down and plans in place. Without setting goals and writing down plans, I won’t have been able to make my business come true. Thanks to goal-setting, I was able to achieve launching my clean skincare brand and fulling one part of my personal growth.


experiencing new situations 

New situations mostly come with challenges. If you can accept, adapt, and overcome those challenges and obstacles, that right there is called personal growth.

I posted on my Instagram yesterday that when dealing with obstacles in life, you should remember that:⠀

1) every problem has a solution.⠀
2) there will always be sunshine after the storm.⠀
3) it won’t last forever.⠀
4) your life depends on you, so take care of yourself first.⠀
5) to not be afraid of asking for help.

One of my personal growth in experiencing new situations was when I had to travel to the US for the first time, being on a plane for the first time in my life and by myself. I had to learn a new culture, langue, and way of living even though it was only a short three months of summer working at Universal Studios in Florida. I cried a lot as I was homesick and wanted to go back to Thailand. In the end, I ended up staying a week longer than I thought, as I enjoyed working and loving the new adventure.

Those experiences then taught me so much. After the work and travel program ended, I strived for more success and was able to revisit the US as an MBA intern student for a year.

I wanted to achieve my English speaking skills, which I can proudly say I met that. Now, over a decade later, I am a US citizen and now living with my loving husband and two daughters.

Almost forget to mention that I am communicating with you through my blog in English! That’s a significant accomplishment for me.


practicing self-acceptance

One of the biggest problems we are all facing in any stage of life is accepting who we are as a person. We all tend to be harsh on ourselves, even when we have accomplished many things in life already.

If you don’t practice self-love or self-acceptance, we won’t be able to develop our personal growth as quickly as we would, as it is a great key to identify the areas that we need to improve.

My latest self-love practice was accepting my post-pregnancy body and striving to make it better and healthier on my own path. I was able to complete an eight-week workout program, where I worked out as planned every day for eight weeks.

As I mentioned earlier, to be able to grow within you, you have to accept who you are and be able to clearly identify the part of you that needs more attention and implement that along the way until you reach your growth.

One last note to take into consideration when measuring your growth is comparison. If you want to compare with someone (even you know it is not good to compare), you should only look at people who are in a lower position than you, not those who already have it all.

It is an excellent way to remind yourself that you are doing fantastic, and you should keep on going to become like someone you aspire to be.

Share with me:

What is a personal growth tip you would like to share?

I hope these five simple keys will help you measure your personal growth and guide you in the right direction. There are more ways to measure and grow; any other means you find helpful, I hope that you find the ones that will help you become fulfilled and accomplished in life during any stage you are in.

Have you seen my pink coffee table books I recommend? 


Thank you for stopping by All About Good Vibes.

Stay safe and healthy, and I hope to see you back here again soon!


Focus on what you love | Be Happy

Focus on what you love | Be Happy

The best thing to do when I am feeling down is to focus on what I love. Today, I am sharing a list of what I am currently obsessed over and things that always make me happy when looking or thinking about. 

Read on to find out what they are!



Feeling down is normal, but how you deal with it is crucial. Sometimes the down feelings can lead you to stress, and depression and the best thing you can do is to try getting back to your normal self again as soon as possible to avoid being stuck in the cycle of sadness.


If you don’t know how to get out of your sorrowful feelings, today I have a quick tip that you can use to help fix your emotions.



What I recommend you to do is to focus on what you love and things that make you happy.

Start with writing them down in a notebook, or on a piece of paper. It would be a good idea to carry this book with you or have it in your reach whenever you want it.

Jot down all the things that make you happy and then start focusing on each of them. If it is a person, spend more time with them, give them more love and affection. If it is your pets, you can play with them more often, and cuddle with them for comfort. Whatever it is, start focusing on them than you usually do because this will help you to forget about the sad feelings, and you can move on with your day happily again.

“Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.”

– Mahatma Gandhi

What I Love

The below list is what I love and am focusing on now.

1. My Family

2. My Dogs

3. My Home

4. My Garden

5. Next Travel Destination

6. My Creativity

7. My Work

8. My Health

9. More of Healthy Food

10. My Favorite Shopping Stores

Currently Obsessed Over

Lately, I’ve been obsessed over shells, dried flowers, lights and shadows, Dalmatians, Siberian Huskies, pretty jewelry, terra-cotta vases, abstracts, minimal home style, furniture made with wood, clay or concrete, anything that is in nude and brown shades, fluted design accents, woven bags, and planning my future trip to Europe.

I have put so many products in my shopping cart and planning to get them soon. See below for what I plan to get.


Have you checked out my Pink Post, yet?

Here are some pretty images I found to help keep you inspired!

Image Sources (top to bottom, left to right):

One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | ThirteenFourteenFifteen | Sixteen | Seventeen

Feel free to right-click to save these below photos to use on your social. Tagging is appreciated; IG @CuratedByMolly embarassed

Share with me:

What do you currently love?

I hope you enjoy this post and feel happy in everything you do.

Remember to focus on what you love and it will make your day a happy day. 

Thank you for stopping by All About Good Vibes.

See you again in my next post.


How to feel happy again | Happy in Pink

How to feel happy again | Happy in Pink

Monday blues don’t always have to happen on a Monday. Whenever you feel these feelings of stress, anxiety, sadness, or lack of motivation, you might be on a Monday blues train. But wearing pink could help you cure these symptoms.

How? Read on to find out!



Lately, when I feel down, I wear pink. Because of the color, pink is thought to have a calming effect, and it does make me feel a little uplifted when wearing it.

Pink also represents compassion, nurturing, and love; that is why wearing pink can cheer you up without you knowing it.

When I was younger, I was trying to avoid pink as I thought the color was too girly and I wasn’t that girly. I wanted to show people that I am strong and I didn’t need pink in my closet. Also, I could be happy wearing darker colors. To look back at how I felt then, I can see why I was so stressed out quite often. Maybe I should have worn pink sooner. Oh, well!

Now, I love wearing all shades of pink. See here, here, here, and here.


Pink also could WEAKEN your ENEMY! Say What?

Sports teams sometimes paint the opposing team’s locker room pink to keep the players passive and less energetic.

The Iowa Hawkeyes famously have a pink visiting team locker room at their Kinnick Stadium. The idea for the pink locker room was conceived by Iowa coach Hayden Fry, who had majored in psychology at Baylor University and believed that the all-pink room would mess with the minds of the opposing teams.

See the below video on how pretty their locker room is.

“People who are drawn to pink (or any specific color) tend to have pleasant memories of the color, while those who don’t like it may have negative or unpleasant associations with it.”

– verywellmind.com

My Zara sandals are old but here are a few pink shoes if you are interested in getting a pair:

 Pink Psychology

In color psychology, pink is a sign of hope. It is a positive color inspiring warm and comforting feelings, a sense that everything will be okay.

Pink is feminine and romantic, affectionate and intimate, thoughtful and caring. It tones down the physical passion of red replacing it with a gentle loving energy.

Studies have confirmed that exposure to large amounts of pink can have a calming effect on the nerves and create physical weakness in people. Violent and aggressive prisoners have been successfully calmed by placing them in a pink room for a specified amount of time. Exposure for too long can have the opposite effect. – Empower-Yourself-with-Color-Psychology.com

Right-click on the photos to save theses pink phone wallpapers to help lift up your spirit.

Happy in Pink

Share with me:

How does pink make you feel?

I hope you enjoy this post and think about pink next time when you want to lift up your mood.

Thank you for stopping by All About Good Vibes.

See you again in my next post.


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