Self-Care 101: What you need to know about self-care | Self-Care Sunday

Self-Care 101: What you need to know about self-care | Self-Care Sunday

Happy Self-Care Sunday!

In today’s post, I wanted to share with you what is self-care exactly, the history, the importance, the different types of self-care and some tips on how to start practicing self-care today.

Read on to find out more about it.


I remember growing up practicing self-care every day, back then you didn’t call it a self-care practice, all I know was I was taking care of myself in the area of body, mind, and soul.


I would do a body scrub and face mask almost every day of the week. I would sing, watched movies, read magazines, and find new books to read whenever I had a chance to. I would write poems and songs when I felt like it. I would play Thai musical instruments or an electronic keyboard to make me happy. I would dance when dressing up when no one was watching me. I would pray and meditate every night before I went to bed. I would go for a walk with my mom in the early morning before going to school. I would enjoy my mother’s freshly made food. I would meet my old friends to catch up with what was going on in our lives.  


Not until I gave birth to my first daughter when I completely stopped what I used to do to take care of myself. She is my priority. I still got up, washed my face, took a shower, and ate somewhat better than usual. I started to taking care of myself again when my daughter was 9-month-old and tried to get back in shape.


As a mother of two small children, it’s quite hard to find time to balance hours between work and life. But I do include at least 15 minutes of self-care to my day. As long as I am happy at the end of the day, my self-care mission is complete because self-care is about giving love to yourself and making yourself comfortable.

In today’s post, I wanted to share with you what exactly self-care is, the history, the importance, the different types of self-care and some tips on how to start practicing self-care today.


Self-care can include meditating to relax your mind, giving yourself a spa day to cleanse your skin or by going out for a long walk to clear your head of negativity. Anything that promotes good health for yourself is a way of practicing self-care.


Each week in my Club Vibester Newsletter, I send out Self-Care Challenge. As you already know, there are many ways to self-care, and within each of my newsletters, I will be exploring all the ways you can do self-care for every day of the week.  It ranges from skincare routines, a healthy lifestyle, and positive mindsets challenges. If you are into self-care games and want to be a part of all the challenges that I will be sending out this year, join our club below!

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    Self-Care 101

    What is self-care?

    It’s the practice of giving love to yourself by taking care of your body, mind, and soul. It’s about maintaining good health for all parts of yourself.



    History of Self-care

    According to Aisha Harris, a Slate culture writer, the “concept” of self-care had always been around, but it wasn’t until 2016 when it officially became a mainstream concept.


    Self-care initially caught on as a medical concept. Doctors have long discussed it as a way for patients to treat themselves and exercise healthy habits, most often under the guidance of a health professional. Before the late 1960s and early 1970s, these patients were usually mentally ill and older adults who required long-term care and otherwise had little autonomy. Later, academics began to look for ways for workers in more high-risk and emotionally daunting professions—trauma therapists, social workers, EMTs, and so on—to combat stress brought on by the job.


    The belief driving this work was that one could not adequately take on the problems of others without taking care of oneself (by reading for pleasure or taking the occasional vacation, for instance)—a sentiment you still hear from activists today. And that applied not just to physical welfare but to mental and emotional health. – Slate.com



    What is the importance of self-care?

    It’s essential to practice good self-care as you need to be at your best if you want to accomplish your goals. Taking care of your mind, body, and soul lets you reach your fullest potential and have the abilities to take on any challenge.


    Inadequate self-care can lead to poor health, a negative mindset, and a sense of un-accomplishment. It’s the practice of knowing you are important and worth anything you deserve.


    What are the different types of Self-Care?

    I found a lot of resources mentioning many types of self-care, but the ones I’m going to talk about cover all the sources. 


    There are six types of self-care: Emotional, Practical, Physical, Mental, Social, and Spiritual, according to everyaction.com.


    Each one focus on a different part of yourself.


    • Emotional Self-Care would include writing in a journal or creating artwork.
    • Practical Self-Care would be cleaning your room or budgeting.
    • Physical Self-Care includes working out or eating a healthy diet.
    • Mental Self-Care could be solving a hard puzzle or doing an activity that challenges the mind.
    • Social Self-Care would be spending time with friends or making time to help others.
    • Spiritual Self-Care is practiced by meditating or spending time in nature.

    Grab my meditation tracking sheet in the library!

    How to start self-care?

    Start your self-care by looking at your life now, and seeing where you might be lacking. Make a plan and follow it to cover all six areas as often as possible. Make time in the mornings to meditate, have lunch with friends and family, go to a museum, or set a budget for yourself. All of these are great ways of starting your self-care, and you can add them to your daily routine.

    5 Self-care practices for better wellness

    1. Make sure to get 8 hours of sleep each day. According to healthline.com, getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep each day lowers your chances of having heart disease and diabetes.

    2. Start cooking your meals and eating out less. When creating meals at home, you are giving love to your food by preparing it properly and wanting to make something delicious.


    3. Create a budget and stick to it. Write down all your expense each month and next to it write down your total income each month. See your spending versus your income and find ways to lower your costs so that each month you have extra money to save for a big trip or some other desired expense.


    4. Read more books. If you can take time to read a book, you can relax your mind from all the stresses of the world. Give your body a chance to recharge and let your imagination explore the book you are reading.


    5. Working out every day, even for 5 minutes, is a great way to practice self-care. One of the best things you can do for yourself is exercising, which can include taking a walk, doing some lunges, or going all out at the gym. Doing exercises makes sure your body is healthy and working correctly to help promote better wellness.

    What are some Self-care Tips?

    Make it part of your routine and write it down. When you write things down, you are more likely to follow through with it than just saying you will do it. If you are going to meditate in the morning, set your alarm a little earlier and follow through every day, so it becomes a habit.


    Another tip could be having an accountability partner. Let a co-worker, friends or family member know that you are trying to start taking better care of yourself and check in with them every so often to see if you are doing the tasks you said you are. According to PennState, having an accountability partner is “hugely beneficial for meeting and following health goals.” By just having another person that will hold you accountable to your actions makes you that much more likely to follow through with your self-care.  

    Daily self-care checklist

    Make a checklist of all the self-care goals you have for the day and mark them off as you go through them. You will start to feel a sense of accomplishment and want to get more items to check off your list. Makes sure to celebrate your success as this further installs the idea of completing your checklist and practicing better self-care. 

    When is International Self-Care Day?

    International SelfCare Day (ISD), is on the 24th of July, it provides a focus and opportunity to raise the profile of healthy lifestyle selfcare programs around the world.

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    What’s your favorite self-care type?

    That’s all for today’s self-care 101. I hope you find this post helpful and want to take your self-care to the next level.


    Again, you can join me each week for a self-care challenge by signing up to Club Vibester Newsletter where I send out Self-Care Challenges on Sunday of every week. I will help you to come up with many new ways that you can practice self-care. If you are into self-care games and want to be a part of all the challenges that I will be sending out this year, join our club below!


    join the CLUB

      Thank you for visiting All About Good Vibes today.


      See you again in my next post.

      Coconut Benefits for Self-Care and Wellness

      Coconut Benefits for Self-Care and Wellness

      Happy Self-care Sunday!

      In today’s post, I wanted to focus on coconuts and all the benefits they provide for better wellness and self-care.

      After doing some research, I put together some helpful information that you can learn more about coconuts beneficial skin care properties and see why you should be adding more of them to your daily routines.  

      Coconuts are very beneficial and contain lots of valuable properties to support healthy wellbeing. They have antioxidants that fight off free radicals, contain essential fatty acids and can help fight signs of aging.

      From hair masks to oil pulling, coconuts are a versatile ingredient that can be incorporated into your daily routines seamlessly. With some helpful information, you can learn about how to use more coconuts and gain from its powerful properties.

      Below you will find my Q&A. Here I help to answer some common questions about coconuts and what benefits they can bring to both your skin-care routine and your self-care routine.

      Each week I send out a 7-Day Challenge to my Club Vibester Newsletter Members. This week I shared a 7-day coconut challenge download. You can get access to the PDF file by going to my Library. You can sign up to get more exclusive content straight to your inbox.

        Are Coconuts bad for you?

        Coconuts do have high levels of saturated fat which increase your bad cholesterol, LDL, but at the same time increase your good cholesterol, HDL. They are also packed with so many beneficial properties such as having amino acids, being antibacterial, having antioxidants and containing vitamins E, K, C, and B.



        What are some Coconut Oil benefits for your skin?

        Coconut oil is made through a process called Cold-pressing or expeller-pressing where dried coconut meat is pressed down, and fats are extracted out. According to The Beauty Geek’s Guide To Skin Care Cold-pressed oil has higher levels of antioxidants and antibacterial properties. This helps to increase elasticity, prevents breakouts, and nourish the skin through its essential fatty acids.  



        Is it okay to drink Coconut Milk?

        Coconut milk is a combination of the coconut meat and water blended up. It contains vitamins E, K, B Complex and C, amino acids, minerals, and essential fatty acids according to The Beauty Geek’s Guide To Skin Care. The great things about coconut milk are that it helps to fight the appearance of wrinkles, nourishes skin for deep hydration, and combats bacteria. It’s best to substitute coconut milk in drinks in moderation and not drink straight out of glass due to the high levels of saturated fats.




        What are the benefits of Coconut Water?

        Coconut water has fewer nutrients than coconut milk as it lacks the coconut meat. It does contain Lauric Acid, which is an antimicrobial that can fight frizzy hair, acne, and athletes’ foot. Coconut water also contains antioxidants that support heart health and may reduce blood pressure.






        How to use Coconut Oil into your daily routine?

        Coconut oil is great to add to hair, face and body masks. Just take a Tbs at a time and apply where desired. The oils will help to hydrate your skin or hair and protect it from free radicals. The antioxidants fight free radicals in your skin while the nourishing essential fatty acids make for more lush and lively looking hair. Using coconut oil in a scrub will provide the same benefits as in a mask while still giving that powerful hydration effect.






        Share with mE:

        How do you use Coconuts for better Self-Care?

        I hope you find some helpful information and Coconuts and can try something new in your Self-care routine.

        Click here to subscribe to my Club Vibester Newsletter, where you can get exclusive content not shared on the blog. Each week I share a new challenge that inspires you to take action and help your body to be healthy from the inside out.


        Have you checked out my E-Course?

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          7 Phone Wallpapers: Self-Care Quotes

          7 Phone Wallpapers: Self-Care Quotes

          I put together seven self-care phone wallpapers of my favorite self-care quotes for you to have. I thought it was so important to share this with you as I have spent the past week reflecting on myself. I found myself going into a negative space and needed some time to get away from it all and give myself some self-care.

          Continue reading to hear my quick story and how you can get access to the free phone wallpapers.

          I realize that taking a break from social media is some kind of self-care practice. My heart and my soul feel lighter and happier after a short break. I spent some time in the last weeks to unplug and rest from consuming too much of unnecessary stories from social media. I knew I had to do something when I found myself comparing and feeling discouraged when not achieving social media goals. I was so exhausted but glad I took a much-needed break. I got so many things accomplished by taking this short break, I found more purposes in life and know what direction I should strive for. I encourage you to try. You will feel a lot better with yourself and that the self-care I’m talking about.

          In today’s post, I put together seven self-care phone wallpapers with quotes for you. These quotes have powerful messages that help remind you to take better care of yourself.

          I made them as phone wallpapers so you can easily change them up and have them as a self-reminder kind of deal.

          Head over to my online library and grab them all. If you don’t have the password to enter the library, sign up to receive the password below.

          join the CLUB

            Self-Care Phone Wallpapers

            “Everybody is different, and every body is different.”

            – Beverly Diehl

            ”Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.”

            – Anne Lamott

            “Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious. You get to choose how you use it. You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won’t accept.”

            – Anna Taylor

            “Whatever you are doing, love yourself for doing it. Whatever you are feeling, love yourself for feeling it.”

            – Thaddeus Golas

            “Put yourself at the top of your to-do list every single day and the rest will fall into place.”

            – Unknown

            “When you can’t find your purpose in a day, make it to look after yourself.”

            Dodie Clark

            “You owe yourself the love that you so freely give others.”

            – Unknown

            Share with mE:

            How do you remind yourself to practice self-care?

            I hope you liked all of the quotes above and download the Self-Care Phone Wallpapers!

            Don’t be afraid to take a break from social media and start taking care of your well-being first. You are the most valuable asset to yourself.

            Feel free to tag me on Instagram @curatedbymolly, so I know you’re using my phone wallpapers and I can give you some love on your Instagram too! ♥️

            Thank you for stopping by All About Good Vibes today. See you again soon!

            3 Healthy Cookbooks | Self-Care Sunday

            3 Healthy Cookbooks | Self-Care Sunday

            Happy Self-care Sunday!

            I wanted to share with you my 3 Healthy Cookbooks for better health and wellness that I am currently loving. My husband and I love to cook and we found that getting new cookbooks helped us with coming up with interesting menus.

            This week, I wanted to focus on salads as they are very easy to make and filled with nutrients for your body. Read on to find out what are the three books I recommend.

            Hope you are enjoying your weekend so far. In today’s post, I wanted to let you know about the 3 Healthy Cookbooks I am currently loving right now. Each one has great recipes that are good for you, promotes a healthy lifestyle and create good vibes energy. It’s important to have a healthy lifestyle if you want your Mind, Body, and Soul all to be in sync. Creating a space for your body to thrive in, whether that be through the food you eat or the activities you do, will keep you staying healthy and positive to go up against challenges you face.     


            That’s why I am sharing with you these 3 Healthy Cookbooks I am currently loving because I want to help you keep a healthy lifestyle and be ready for any challenge life throws at you. 

            Each week I send out a 7-Day Challenge to my Club Vibester Newsletter Members. This week I shared 7 of my favorite salad recipes. You can get access to the PDF file by going to my Library. Sign up to get more exclusive content straight to your inbox. 


            This book is by far my favorite of the three. It has beneficial recipes that promote clean beauty and wellness. What’s different about this book is the deeper meaning of the ingredients it goes into. From crystals to beauty routines and individual benefits of specific food ingredients, this book has it all to create a positive mindset for radiating beauty.    



            Like the first book, this one is about a lifestyle set on clean beauty. Its foreword by Gwyneth Paltrow and talks about her philosophy of living a Goop lifestyle. Its gives healthy food recipes, workout exercises, skincare routines and more.



            This cookbook is perfect if you want to make something delicious with only 5 ingredients. I love this book because I can quickly look for a style of food, chicken, fish or veggie and find a delicious recipe to cook. Each recipe takes anywhere from 5-40 minutes to make and is easy to do.


            Share with mE:

            What’s your favorite salad?

            I hope you find these Healthy Cookbooks helpful and get inspired to try something new.

            If you aren’t subscribed to my Club Vibester Newsletter, click here to get exclusive content not shared on the blog. Each week I share a new challenge that inspires you to take action and help your body to be healthy from the inside out.


            Have you checked out my E-Course?


            join the CLUB

              7 Superfoods for Healthier Skin | Self-Care Sunday

              7 Superfoods for Healthier Skin | Self-Care Sunday

              Happy start to your new week! As today is Self-care Sunday, I wanted to talk with you about 7 Superfoods for Healthier Skin. I have been struggling with skin conditions and have found that you really are what you eat.


              Superfoods have helped me to not only feel healthier but have also provided great benefits to my skin. I can already see the improvements by just switching to some healthier food options.

              In today’s post, I will be talking about my 7 favorite superfoods and their benefits to your skin. If you are interested in my self-care challenges, sign up to be a part of Club Vibester Newsletter to receive my password where you can enter my library and download this week’s challenge.


              On top of the free downloadable, every Sunday you will also receive exclusive content straight to your inbox that’s not shared on the blog. You can sign up below.

              join the CLUB


                The great thing about avocadoes is that they are full of so many benefits. According to Livestrong.com, Avocados contain a lot of antioxidants, vitamins, and healthy fats. Vitamin E and vitamin C help protect against free radicals, which are created by your skin during the day through oxidative stress. Biotin, which is part of the B complex vitamins and is also contained in avocados which helps to protect against dry skin and red rashes. Avocados contain healthy poly and monounsaturated fatty acids, both of which guard your skin against sun damage and also makes it moist and soft.

                Coconut Oil

                In an article by purefiji, Coconut oil has tons of skin benefits. Coconuts are naturally anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and moisturizing. The fatty acids found in coconut oil nourish your skin making it feel plump and soft while increasing its elasticity. Vitamin E, in particular, keeps your skin feeling smooth and protected from free radicals. You can use it as a makeup remover without having to be afraid of damaging your skin with harsh chemicals. Not only that, but coconut oil has anti-aging properties too.


                The great thing about tomatoes is that they help with many skin concerns. According to healthline.com, they help with both uneven skin tones and signs of aging. Tomatoes contain lycopene, a carotenoid, that has shown signs of powerful anticancer effects. Also, they treat skin problem related to sun damage and scarring.

                Almond Milk

                Like tomatoes, Almond Milk also has anti-cancer properties. In an article by StylesAtLife.com, almond-milk is a great source in fighting off cancer-causing cells. Also, the anti-bacterial and anti-infectious properties help stop the spread of harmful bacteria. Almond milk contains vitamin E and A which helps to promote healthy and glowing skin. If you have dry skin, almond milk is great in moisturize your skin for a more hydrated and smoother feel.

                Apple Cider

                Apple cider vinegar is packed with antioxidants. An article from lifehack.org mentioned that the antioxidant properties of apple cider vinegar can help slow down aging and reduce free radicals. It also helps maintain the stability of the acid-base balance in our bodies.


                Blueberries are rich in antioxidants that not only fight free radicals but help fight signs of aging. In an article by stylecraze.com, blueberries antioxidants, along with vitamin A and E fight off free radicals to keep skin looking healthy. Also, they have salicylic acid, which helps to unclog pores and remove dead skin for blemish-free looking skin. Not only that but the fiber contained in blueberries helps to prevent your body from expelling yeast and fungus through your skin.    


                With almost all other superfoods, turmeric contains loads of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. This makes your skin naturally glow and fight against free radicals. According to healthline.com, turmeric can positively impact tissue and collagen. The curcumin found in turmeric helps to even skin tone and heal acne scarred skin. It can also reduce redness from blemishes and help to calm different skin conditions such as eczema.

                Share with mE:

                What’s your favorite superfood and why do you love it?

                I hope you liked learning a little more about why these 7 superfoods for healthier skin are so great. I know that I will continue to be adding more superfoods into my diet as some of these benefits cannot be obtained by just putting them on your skin.


                Did you take part in last week’s hydration challenge? You can check it out here and let me know how you did in the comments below. Be sure to stop by next week for another Self-care Sunday topic and challenge.

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