How January flew by like a wind in the storm. I think the older you get, the shorter the months are! Anyway, are you excited for February? Do you have any big plans coming up? I have a big project this month, and I am talking about it today in this post.

Photo credit: IG @janicejoostemaa
Last month, my husband and I decided on our goal #10: Decide on my future home plan, either buying land and building my dream home, buying a new house, staying in our current home, or moving to a new country. So, we finally decided to sell our lovely first home and purchase land to build our dream house this year.
At first, we were putting an offer for one of the houses we liked. It didn’t go through obviously as we were too late and the home already had nine other offers in front of us. Crazy right? So, we chose not to go through with it and reconsidered our options.
After thinking back and forth, changing our mind a million and one times, re-asking ourselves what we should do, is it the right time, why do it, what makes it a plus than a minus, we agreed to one of the most crucial factors that life is too short, why wait? Let’s build the house and do whatever is going to fulfil life and make us happy.
I will be back on blogging more often again after things settling down. There is a lot of packing before we move to my parents-in-law house. We will be fixing their home while we are staying there too. I am excited to share with you all of the projects while building our home.
Here is a quick inspiration on how we want our home to look like.

Here are a few reasons why we chose to build our home rather than buying one:
ONE: Design
We will build the home to look exactly how we want it. As I love designing and decorating my home, I am excited to bring my ideas and dream floor plan to life.
TWO: Price
It’s cheaper to build one rather than buying one.
After calculating the cost of buying a new home and building one, we found that building will be cheaper plus we will get the equity out of it when the house is finished.
THREE: Feng Shui
We will have a chance to pick the land, house number, house direction, and all things Feng Shui related, it wasn’t an easy process, but we will get what we want.

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Would you want to build your dream home and why?
We are excited to share our home building journey with you.
There are things in life that take time to achieve, but that doesn’t mean you have to wait to achieve it.